ARCADIA employs Björn Franke

ARCADIA Investment GmbH employs Björn Franke in the area of Project Management

The Leipzig-based project developer ARCADIA Investment GmbH has employed 41 year old engineer Björn Franke for their Project Management Department with effect 1 May 2018. After completing his studies in civil engineering at the University of Leipzig from 2005 to 2018, Björn Franke worked for Dr. Georg Jarzombek Projektmanagement Leipzig / BJP Ingenieure GmbH as a project engineer in the field of project management and construction management. He was primarily responsible for public sector projects as well as private investors throughout Germany.

Alexander Folz, managing partner of ARCADIA Investment GmbH, is pleased to once again strengthen his team in the field of project development, which is facing challenging tasks against the backdrop of the company’s recent acquisitions. “Björn Franke will act as an interface between architects, engineering offices and contractors in project management and planning”, Folz outlines the new area of responsibility of the construction engineer. “In view of the number of projects we are currently managing as well as the projects we plan to gain in the future – the further expansion of this area is inevitable.”

ARCADIA Investment Group

ARCADIA Investment Group has focused its specialisation on the development of property used for retail and residential properties as well as car parks and underground car parks throughout the entire Germany. In addition to activities relating to its own portfolio, it has also implemented a host of projects in the framework of joint ventures – amongst others in close collaboration with numerous national and international companies. One of the company’s core business functions is also the optimisation, maintenance and expansion of the property portfolio of family businesses with the utmost care and confidentiality. ARCADIA Investment GmbH as the holding company for the group currently employs 20 people and is developing areas with a magnitude of more than 200,000 square meters. The accompanying project volume amounts to round 165 million euro.

For enquiries please contact Herr Ralf Bettges, Press and Public Office at 0172 – 233 73 90 Further information about ARCADIA Investment Group can be found at

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