S&G Development GmbH commences building at SeeCarré shopping centre in Berlin-Falkensee.
Demolition works for 16 March 2015 fixed at 11h00
The Frankfurt project developer S&G Development GmbH already commences preparatory measures for building SeeCarré shopping centre in Berlin-Falkensee in March 2015. Sven Grundmann, Managing Partner of S&G Development GmbH, has announced the first visible above-ground wrecking work for Monday, 16 March 2015. According to Mr Grundmann underground works can already be started in June; building construction can therefore already follow from August/September 2015. Going by the current status Sven Grundmann calculates that completion of the centre should be in time for the 2016 Christmas trade. “At this point in time we assume”, said Mr Grundmann, “that the first retail spaces could already be handed over to the retail tenants as early as October 2016.”
The inner-city SeeCarré centre currently offers round 20,000 square meters selling space (including adjacent areas) for some 60 shops in the immediate vicinity of the train station at Dallgower-Straße. In addition there will be about 2,000 square meters office and medical office space as well as a car park with round 600 parking spaces over two levels. The centre was designed by the Braunschweig architects office, Vahjen, and was erected with ultra-modern building technology as a green building with DGNB certification. Sven Grundmann said the target sector mix includes fashion, lifestyle, entertainment electronics, health and beauty and the organic food market as well as a food court. The first retail spaces have already been rented and reserved. Details regarding the occupancy rate will be announced shortly by Sven Grundmann and Alexander Folz, Managing Partner of ARCADIA Investments GmbH, who have been entrusted with the marketing of SeeCarré. There are already preliminary contracts in place with service providers in the medical field.
S&G Development GmbH
S&G Development GmbH with offices in Frankfurt on Main and Leipzig was founded by Dr Ingo Seidemann and Sven Grundmann in 2014. Both managing directors have known each other for many years and have implemented many development projects together for the divisions – discount markets, speciality markets and properties run by operating companies. As regards capital S&G Development GmbH, supported by two large family offices, are now concentrating on large-volume project developments such as the above-mentioned Falkensee project. In addition, the company is currently also undertaking a large hotel development with some 500 rooms as well as the development of a district bus terminal and car park in the direct vicinity of the Leipzig Main Station, and they are furthermore planning more large-scale developments in Frankfurt on Main and Leipzig. S&G Development currently employs 8 people.
For enquiries please contact Herr Ralf Bettges, Press and Public Office at 0172 – 233 73 90. Please find further information regarding the Falkensee development project at
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